Your Reason Your Choice

We all have a reason for everything that we do, whether we know it or choose to believe it.

Today’s world sees things changing so quickly and it is not uncommon to hear of increased pressure on people to do more with the same or less and for their boss to ask the same. What once was easy to do is now much harder.  What once was relatively cheap is now expensive.   What once was affordable is now out of reach.

If you are anything like me getting out of bed and going to a job that you dislike more days than you like it can be a challenge and when it gets really bad you feel like throwing in the towel and giving up.

Many years ago I realised that working for someone else was never going to get me where I knew I wanted to be deep down, so owning my own business seemed like the only logical choice.  The big question was what business?  Over the years I have dabbled in many different things trying to generate a secondary income and work out what it was that I was not only good at but loved doing.

A few years ago I decided that having an online business was where I wanted to be because it could run itself, or my family could run it when I wasn’t around and it had the potential to reach billions of people.  I also knew that if someone else can do it then so can I.

So the choice is yours; do you do something or do you stay where you are.

If you are reading this page then I have the faith that you will do the right thing for yourself and act and stop saying you are going to do something.  Its ok if it isn’t the SFM or DEA.  Just do something you love and put your heart and soul into it and you will be enriched forever.


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